Monday, October 27, 2008


this is all thanks to LIANGYING! :D
thankyou so very much love.


3 NOVEMBER 2008 !

it'll commence around 5 - 6pm
the time you come and leave is up to you.
*FYI. don't come too early 'cause we will still be setting up

near Car Park A, behind Escape Theme Park (ETP)

how to get there:
walk straight after turning out from the ETP sidegate into the Park.
toilet AND shelter is nearby.
Costa Sands Resort is also along that area.
/~ you'll probably see a bunch of us there so don't be worried of losing your way. it's a clear route.

please please please please come k!
looking forward to seeing you guess soonsoonsoon[:

RSVP: Liang Ying / Tze Xin ASAP.

any quires do approach any of them.

MSTAN! hope you can come too{:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Inter class games yo !

hello again! :)
just wanted to share with you happy news about interclass games.




cool huh? xD
well just like to thank the participants for the games;
jingcheng {the captain} lester ben renjie benedict hidayat {umpire} faustina tzexin zoe
hope i didnt miss out anyone

today was awesome fun(: with all those laughs and dirt right?

tmr last day of school D: gonna miss you guys. <3

I LOVE 1/5'o8!

Holidaes and lies to yourself (THAT there's no hw)

Firstly, I wanna say

Happy Birthday

to whoever's birthday we missed giving our wishes to.
Ya know, Christabella, Sean, Ting Rui---- and others.
Here's a gift. A kiss from Mr Seet. Take it or Leave it. =)

So yeh the hols are here and we're ready to rock on' but
th problem is, how to?---> when you have homeworks
thicker than your workbook. Or CCA days taking up
1/3 of your hols. Man, this suck.

We should totally(or not) be happy that we're all gonna
to sec2 next here and see those stupid kiddo sec 1

(that we once were) cumin In. Hurray to Sec 2 (and
the probability that we're all gonna to harass the younger
ones) and 1 year more of maturity =) (my foot)

And If you so happenly haven't heard about the plan that
1/5 mite have a class BBQ. Then here's it: !/5 MIGHT have
a class BBq =) (don't count th calories out, THANK YOU)
It'll be pretty weird seeing your classmates wearing home
clothes-- IF we have the BBQ--- Or else th Homeworks
are gonna break Our limbs.

So this is It, and get ready for More. =) Sweet Talks! Seeyaaa

Thursday, October 16, 2008

EOYs & blah

hello you. :D

just wanted to say congrats to all of you guys (& girls duh) for doing your very best for the finals.

will see ya'll next year alright. ;D don't be discourage if you didn't do well. work hard and learn from your mistakes. i'm sure you'll do well next time. [:
i guess today was fun huh? xD i'm glad we got to slack.
okay, just wanted to show you people pictures of class deco. (yes, i'm bored)
:D yeah.
alright, see you next week.
oh & one more thing.
thanks for all you've done for 1/5.
pride of noise & such <3



Have Fun!! ;)) Seeyaaa

Saturday, October 11, 2008

hey all! (:

EOYs are done and over with.
bye to every subject known. xD

so just like to let ya'll know that we're having inter class games for after exam activities.
& bacause of that, we have to find information on the country, USA.
that's what our class was appointed to do.

find ANY kind of info about the US that you find interesting, fun and blah.
find fun facts on history info and etc.
it'll probably be put up in class.
hand it to danial by this tuesday. please?
do it for the class;
the pride of noise and such.

thank you all so very much!

do remember this coming monday AND friday, it's a no school happy day.
yay. :D

see you guys&girls around. [: