Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Holidaes and lies to yourself (THAT there's no hw)

Firstly, I wanna say

Happy Birthday

to whoever's birthday we missed giving our wishes to.
Ya know, Christabella, Sean, Ting Rui---- and others.
Here's a gift. A kiss from Mr Seet. Take it or Leave it. =)

So yeh the hols are here and we're ready to rock on' but
th problem is, how to?---> when you have homeworks
thicker than your workbook. Or CCA days taking up
1/3 of your hols. Man, this suck.

We should totally(or not) be happy that we're all gonna
to sec2 next here and see those stupid kiddo sec 1

(that we once were) cumin In. Hurray to Sec 2 (and
the probability that we're all gonna to harass the younger
ones) and 1 year more of maturity =) (my foot)

And If you so happenly haven't heard about the plan that
1/5 mite have a class BBQ. Then here's it: !/5 MIGHT have
a class BBq =) (don't count th calories out, THANK YOU)
It'll be pretty weird seeing your classmates wearing home
clothes-- IF we have the BBQ--- Or else th Homeworks
are gonna break Our limbs.

So this is It, and get ready for More. =) Sweet Talks! Seeyaaa

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