Friday, September 11, 2009

September Holidays

Hello lovelies :D

September holidays gonna end.
Bet alot of you either relaxing your butts off
or chionging homework now (just like me)
or not even bothering.

Term 4's gonna be a rushed term.
Brace yourselves humans!
In 3 weeks, our EOYs are starting.
Yes, t-h-r-e-e w-e-e-k-s.
So don't slack lah hor.
Streaming this year.
Sigh. ><
I'm gonna miss you all.

Btw, if you still don't know.
Ms Palai sent out an email to the whole class
about the Lit Poem Proj.
If you didn't receive it,
PLEASE be smart and ask someone to forward it to you.

Homework reminders :
-English Spontaneous/Critical Writing
-Math Rev Paper 1/2/3
-Science Chpt 14 WS + Wkend HW 13 + Sept Hols WS
-Geog WB Pg 63-66, 68-78 + Sept Hols WS
-Literature Poetry Proj + Sept Hols WS
-Home Econs Coursework

Another reminder:
Geog Land Supply Test on
THURSDAY 17/9/09

Happy rushing all!
See you Monday.
Loves much.

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